Pagina dell'episodio'

1x9 - To Be Hero

If You'll Do It, I'll Take Off My Underwear Right Away

Poster della serie To Be Hero

Well, tonight we all have a fun dining table. Even a hero doesn't come out unless he eats it. However! We promise that if you have meat on the table, it will be a battle! Meat Meat Meat Yes Yes Yes! !! Min-chan's chopsticks growl! Yamada's milk shakes! During the battle that unfolds, the astringent past of the old man and Min-chan is remembered. Is it true that if you don't eat only meat and vegetables, you will become an adult with a bad personality? For those who work hard and a large amount of methane accumulates in their stomachs and even a small thing explodes and makes them feel sick, the "spell that shits out" is effective ... isn't it? !! Rebellious period or shit! ?? Aside from such a shabby living room comedy, the true purpose of the first prince is now fulfilled! The old man, the prince, the Yamada-san, and ... the first prince who got the poisonous fangs? .. ..

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30 Novembre 2016
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