Pagina dell'episodio'

1x9 - Daydreamer

Episode 9

Poster della serie Daydreamer

Sanem will experience a great shock! When Sanem wanted to say "Don't go" to Can, Polen opened the door. Sanem is in shock. What is his "ex" girlfriend abroad doing in Can's house? While Sanem wonders what Polen is like, Polen tries to find out who the woman Can is influenced by... While the preparations for the new store of Ajansta Remide Hanım continue at full speed, the team gets caught up in Turkish coffee and fortune-telling madness. Emre's "Let's take it slow" Aylin, whom she said, does not hesitate to put a stone to the works of Fikri-i Great. When Nihat and Muzo lost their shops to Mevkıbe and Aysun, they devoted all their energies to the production of vegan meatballs in Osman's butcher shop. So who will eat all the meatballs? What will Can do when Sanem thinks she has found her "Albatross"? Sanem, Polen; Of course, things will get out of hand as Can gets jealous of the fake Albatross...

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28 Agosto 2018
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