Pagina dell'episodio'

1x9 - Poltergeist: The Legacy


Poster della serie Poltergeist: The Legacy

The episode begins with Derek having a dream. He is in a coffin, at first dead, with all the Leagcy members standing over him. He wakes, but no one notices. He is then in an Egyptian tomb, lying on a stone table. A woman cuts open his chest, he wakes up. In his bedroom, he sees a young girl, Kali. She asks his, ""Are you the one"". She attacks him, and tells him to forget what he saw, that this is only a dream. Kali moves over to a picture on Dereks table, a picture of Rachel and Kat, Kali looks at Kat and smiles. (A sinister smile). The next morning at Clairemont School, Kat is beginning school. She gets teased by older girls and runs away. In the bushes, Kali appears and tells Kat that she is her new best friend. Kali attacks the other girls with an invisible force. Rachel is called to the school to collect Kat. She's been suspended because of what happened to the other girls. Kali appears in the school corridors, but Rachel can't see her, only Kat. She persuades Kat to get Rachel to

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7 Giugno 1996
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