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10x17 - Murphy Brown

Seems Like Gold Times

Poster della serie Murphy Brown

Jerry Gold returns from Germany and it seems just like old times for Murphy and Jerry and the gang. Even Kay sees it as she tells the gang how she thinks there perfect for each other. Murphy and Jerry take the day off from work and feel the old sparks again. He inquires on her health Jerry: Did it hurt. Murphy: At first yes, but it doesn't hurt now Jerry: I can't think of anything hurting you Jerry and Murphy end up in bed together and Murphy tells him she does not want a relationship. Jerry says like wise because he's getting married. After Murphy tries to kick Jerry out of her house he tells her he wants her to be his best man because he cares so much about her. Murphy agrees with much begrudging. Murphy pretends she's not hurt, but Kay can see it. She even goes so far as to say Jerry is in town so she will stop the wedding. Murphy: Kay, Jerry Gold is not the man who got away. Kay: Really, because I would have guessed you two ended up in bed yesterday. Do you want to tell me or

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13 Aprile 1998
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