Pagina dell'episodio'

10x2 - A Touch of Frost

Close Encounters

Poster della serie A Touch of Frost

Denton's last remaining quarry is vandalised. Frost finds a baby in his office and is delighed to discover it belongs to DS (previously WPC) Hazel Wallace. He gets Hazel to look into some burglary's that have been occuring just after removal jobs have been completed. At the quarry a second body is found, which causes them to call the police. The only witness to the murder is an autistic boy, who immediately becomes prime suspect. Frost finds out about some dodgy dealings in the past between the quarry owner and his former partner. The boy escapes through a window and the Officers on duty get a sever telling off. A woman comes in saying her 7-year-old son has been abducted by her husband. The quarry owner then turns up dead in a brook a small way from the quarry. The boy is found but he has rigged the Autistic boy is found and he has rigged Denton Quarry with explosives and threataning to blow the quarry and himself up. Frost manages to get the boy down but the explosives in the boy's bag still explode. Frost then goes and arrests the quarry owner's partner for the double murder and finds the other boy safe and sound in a removals depot. He arrests the missing boy's father for robbery.

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3 Marzo 2003
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