Pagina dell'episodio'

13x5 - The Amazing Race

Do It Like a Madman

Poster della serie The Amazing Race

The seven remaining teams take off from their Pit Stop at Summer Hill in New Zealand and receive a clue instructing them to fly over 5,600 miles to Siem Reap, Cambodia. The teams scramble for flights, with one team that was running behind catching a critical flight that enables them to catch up with all other teams. In Siem Reap, the teams travel to a roadside pumping station where they're instructed to use a hand pump to fill a truck with 25 liters of fuel to receive their next clue. The teams are then driven in their trucks to Siem Reap Harbor and then make their way by motorized boats to the waterfront community of Kho Andeth. One team is forced to paddle after suffering a boat breakdown. At Kho Andeth, the teams face a Detour choice involving either gathering objects or hauling fish. The teams then travel to Angkor Wat, the largest religious structure in the world, to complete the roadblock. The teams race for the leg's Pit Stop, the Bayon Temple.

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26 Ottobre 2008
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