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15x215 - The Bold and the Beautiful


Poster della serie The Bold and the Beautiful

Massimo shares his frustration with Sally over the prospect of Ridge being chained to Forrester for the rest of his life. Massimo admits that it was a brilliant strategic move on Ridge's part because once the vote is passed, there's nothing Brooke can do to reverse it. Kristen reminds Rick that Brooke still owns most of the stock, Thorne adds that she'll have a vote on the board when she comes back. When Connor arrives at the boardroom, Ridge announces that Brooke is no longer in charge. When Brooke & Deacon burst in, Connor asks Ridge to tell Brooke the news himself. She declares that they stole her company and destroyed her children's legacy, she will never forgive any of them. Greg comes in, reports to Brooke that the project she asked him to start is underway. Connor asks Greg what time Brooke called him, what time the board voted on Ridge's amendment. Connor proclaims that Brooke was acting as CEO minutes before the vote, so Ridge had no right to vote on her behalf.

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17 Gennaio 2002
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