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15x233 - The Bold and the Beautiful


Poster della serie The Bold and the Beautiful

Deacon promises Brooke that he will handle Whip, Brooke should just follow his lead. Stephanie tries to reassure Ridge when he tells her about Amber's ambition to be a designer. Kristen informs Thorne & Eric that Amber is designing, hopes to have her own line. Eric assures them that Brooke will deal with the situation if it comes up, she is no fan of Amber's. Rick is enthusiastic about Amber's design, sees it as a way to tap into the younger market. When they show Brooke the design, she says that Amber is very talented. Brooke reconsiders, knowing it would mean a lot to Amber. When the Board meeting starts, Rick passes out copies of Amber's design, announces that Brooke has approved it for production. Ridge & Stephanie are stunned when, rather than fighting the idea, Eric congratulates Amber. Ridge notes that he's the only one qualified to run the company, asks Brooke to make him CEO again or he'll walk. Eric is furious and takes a vote to see if the Board accepts Ridge's resignation.

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12 Febbraio 2002
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