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15x247 - The Bold and the Beautiful


Poster della serie The Bold and the Beautiful

Stephanie informs Massimo that if she doesn't show up at Sally's, she'll go straight to Eric, Massimo insists that Stephanie will lose all her power the minute she walks through Sally's door. Sally confesses to Darla that she's discovered Stephanie's deepest darkest secret. Deacon explains to Amber that he has a promotion plan for her designs. Amber is ecstatic, admits to Bob what a fan she is of the show. The models love the clothes, Rick agrees to pitch the idea to their CEO. Amber is thrilled that millions of people are going to see her work. Deacon praises that they're going to have a great collection all by themselves, who needs Ridge! When Ridge asks the doctor if he'll be able to draw again, the doctor admits there are no guarantees. When the doctor examines his hand and Ridge feels pain, he is panicked when he discovers that he can't hold a pen. When Stephanie arrives at Sally's, Sally hands her a maid's uniform and says that as of right now, Stephanie is her servant.

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4 Marzo 2002
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