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16x16 - The Bold and the Beautiful


Poster della serie The Bold and the Beautiful

The doctor informs Rick that Amber is out of surgery, it looks as if she will make a full recovery. Rick is relieved that the baby is fine. As Amber regains consciousness, she dreams that she had a baby girl. Stephanie hears about what happened to Amber, is determined to go to the hospital, despite Kristen's efforts to keep her away. Kristen explains to Tony that Rick has enough to deal with tonight without Stephanie being there. The doctor reveals to Rick that emergency surgery was needed to save Amber's life. She was not suffering from a kidney stone, but a renal artery aneurysm which was much more serious, caused her to go into acute kidney failure. When Eric asks how the baby is, the doctor breaks it to Rick that Amber lost the baby during surgery. Rick blames the stress of the fashion show, but the doctor assures him that no one could have predicted what happened. Stephanie asks Eric if there's any news.. Amber wakes up, asks Rick why he looks so sad.

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15 Aprile 2002
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