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16x71 - The Bold and the Beautiful


Poster della serie The Bold and the Beautiful

Bridget calls the hospital, but is told it will take at least an hour for the ambulance to reach them. Stephanie doesn't want Brooke to have the baby in front of Bridget and tries to get her to the car. As another contraction hits, Brooke tells Stephanie that she's having the baby here and now, whether she likes it or not. Stephanie wants to leave Brooke with the caretaker until the doctor arrives rather than subject Bridget to any more trauma, but Bridget says that she will help Stephanie deliver the baby. Brooke apologizes to Bridget and says that she never meant to hurt her. Sally is overwhelmed with joy when she sees C.J. They embrace. C.J. is pleased to hear that things are going well at Spectra, but is stunned when Ridge walks in on them. C.J. is horrified when he realizes Sally sold Spectra to Ridge Forrester. C.J. swears that he will never work for a Forrester, and slams out. Ridge notices Massimo's preoccupation and wants to know what's going on with Stephanie and Brooke.

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1 Luglio 2002
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