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17x1 - Cops

COPS - Mardi Gras 2004 Pt 1

Poster della serie Cops

(7:20 PM Roll Call) Sgt. Al Miller gives the rules about flashing. A man dressed as a pirate flashes his penis and gets arrested. A female impersonator is caught showing it's breasts in front of the club it works at. Dave claims a woman stole $100 from him for beers and started fighting. It takes five cops to arrest him and he is bleeding profusely from his head. (10:43 PM Lewd Conduct) A drunk couple is caught having sex in the street. The guy is from Chicago, so doesn't know better. (10:58 PM Assault Call) A girl spit on a doorman and gets arrested. She did it because she says he was rude and mean to her and can't believe she is going to jail. (11:34 PM Plainclothes Operations) A big fat black guy is caught running a three card monty table. He tries to run and gets caught and lies that he didn't know it was illegal, even though he had a lookout who is also busted. (12:09 AM) A Mexican man with blinking earrings is arrested for peeing in the street. He says he knows his rights. His friend is busted too. 5/15/04

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15 Maggio 2004
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