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19x2 - The Ellen DeGeneres Show

Jennifer Aniston, Principal Sherrie Gahn

Poster della serie The Ellen DeGeneres Show

She was Ellen’s very first guest, and now she’s here to help kick off her final season - JENNIFER ANISTON is here! The Emmy-winning actress has been one of the world’s most beloved stars between her time on “Friends” and movies like “The Good Girl,” and now she’s here to talk about the upcoming second season of “The Morning Show.” You don’t want to miss her return! Then, Ellen welcomes back Principal Sherrie Gahn, who we first met 10 years ago. She inspired many as she talked about the passion and dedication to her students at Whitney Elementary School in Las Vegas, Nevada. Over the years, Ellen has given over $200,000 worth of school supplies and funds to Sherrie and her beloved school, and now she’s here to give an update on how her life has changed since her first appearance on the show, and Ellen even has a couple big surprises in store for this amazing educator!

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14 Settembre 2021
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