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2x1 - The Family

Episode 14

Poster della serie The Family

After the Soykan table was destroyed, Aslan tried to gather his dispersed family together; He buys a marina to start a clean page in his life. Devin, on the other hand, is determined to end her marriage with Aslan after the price she paid. That's why he hires a divorce lawyer. A video leaked to the internet during the opening of the marina made the healing wounds bleed again; Everyone wonders the answer to the same question: Who leaked the video? After the leaked video, Devin finds himself in a seaside town far from everyone. However, he will not be able to escape from only one person: Aslan. Aslan tries to convince him so that they can become a family again and heal Devin's wounds. However, Devin will not easily forget the price he paid for this love. While we were having big showdowns at the donation night of Hülya Association; a big lie for years Learning that he lives inside, Cihan is now against the Soykans with all his might.

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3 Ottobre 2023
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