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2x1 - Murphy Brown

The Brothers Silverberg

Poster della serie Murphy Brown

When Miles arrives to the office, the whole gang makes fun of his new suit. He says he bought it because his older brother is coming to town so he wants to look good. At Murphy's office, Miles asks her to join them for lunch, Murphy reluctantly agrees. At Phil's Miles' brother Josh and Murphy really hit it off, which makes Miles a little uncomfortable. They also agree to go all to dinner together at a fancy italian restaurant. Miles brings his date Audrey Cohen, they all have a nice time at first but then Miles starts embarassing Murphy. The next day, Miles apologizes to Murphy about the way he behaved at the restaurant. One night Miles, Murphy and Josh arrive at her house after dinner, Murphy and Josh want to be alone but Miles is always getting in the middle, so they politely ask him to leave. Miles shows up in the middle of the night just to tell Murphy that he does not like the idea of her dating his brother at all. Josh arrives after being looking for Miles for hours, they sta

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18 Settembre 1989
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