Pagina dell'episodio'

2x10 - Felicity

Great Expectations (1)

Poster della serie Felicity

Felicity's father accompanies her back to New York, where he is scheduled to work with the university. She grows tired of his constant intrusions, and panics when he announces that he may take a full-time job as a professor of surgery. Dr. Porter sends Felicity reeling with the news that he and her mother are separated. Ben and Felicity begin working the same shifts at Dean & DeLuca. Ben tells Sean that he was wrong to take his advice about not getting into a relationship with Felicity. Depressed after the university cuts the swim program, Ben convinces her to join him in blowing off some steam. They buy beer with his fake I.D. and break into the campus pool. They get caught by campus security and face expulsion. Julie rejects Erik's advances. However, he assures her that he truly cares about her music. She begins recording her demo, but learns from a technician that Erik has a reputation for preying on young singers. Ben advises Sean to tell Julie how he feels about her. Sean cann

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16 Gennaio 2000
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