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2x11 - The Magician

A Model Top Model

Poster della serie The Magician

It's just after midnight when a car arrives at Fred Barskin's villa, it's Zelda a super model. She thinks her contract is up, and wants to leave. But Baskin made her contract that extents her contract unlimited. Yet, Zelda still wants to leave, but she tried, she gets stopped by Barskin's henchman who brings her back to the villa. Later, in Ace's room at the Ring Theater, Cosmo tries to hypnotize Ace, it failed. He wants Ace to show him the trick behind hypnotizing anyone. They prepare for the show, Cosmo notices that is in the audience (since he admires her). Professor Braun informs Zelda that she is now working for the Universal Beauty Institute (U.B.I.) Zelda refuses to sign the contract because she wants to leave the model business. The show starts, Ace asks for a volunteer and Zelda goes to the stage. Barskin tries to stop her but Ace stops him. When Ace asked what of animal she would like to be, she choose an eagle. Ace uses his magic to transform her into an eagle. While distrac

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31 Ottobre 1999
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