Capt. Peachfuzz, head of G-2 is the biggest secret keeper. His files are so secret, even his secretary can't look for the files with her eyes open. Needing an update, he tunes into Rocky and His Friends, but only picks up what we already went through. With that, Capt. Peachfuzz takes his private jet to the North Pole. Meanwhile, back at Mt. Flatten, Rocky and Bullwinkle are in an old mine shaft, just inches ahead of a huge boulder hurling after them. Mr. Big arrives at Mt. Flatten, who turns out to be nothing more than an enormous shadow. He tells Boris that the mine shaft goes all the way through the mountain. Sure enough, Rocky and Bullwinkle have gone through the entire mountain, and are now in the air, with the boulder still after them. Rocky soars out and pushes that elevator out of the way, as the boulder passes by. Rocky and Bullwinkle then begin a rope climb back to the surface of Mt. Flatten. Back on the surface, Boris snips bits and pieces of the rope, to ensure that the fun