Pagina dell'episodio'

2x12 - My Name is Farah

A New Beginning

Poster della serie My Name is Farah

Tahir, who could not escape the clutches of Mehmet and the other police officers despite all his efforts, has no choice but to confront his brother. Mehmet's world comes crashing down when he learns that Tahir is the criminal he is looking for. As Mehmet takes Tahir to the police station, a surprise visit takes the tension between the two brothers to an unexpected level. On the other hand, Farah, who escapes at the last moment from being caught thanks to the system established by Orhan, learns about Behnam's last big move at the cost of burning himself. Farah comes up with a plan with Bade and Gönül to prevent this. Farah's flawless plan turns into chaos when she learns that Tahir is working with Orhan. Farah and Tahir put their heads together and look for a solution to get out of this complicated situation. The only way to end all this chaos is through a final showdown with Behnam. Behnam, who has nothing left to lose, has no intention of giving up.

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23 Dicembre 2023
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