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2x13 - The Magician

Vega Gate

Poster della serie The Magician

A famous singer named Ritchie Valenti arrives at Electro City for the first time in fifteen years. Vega is at the harbor where he arrived, not happy at all. He leaves a letter in Valeti's car. Friedrich receive an anonymous call about meeting between a blackmailer and his victim in the following night. It's Vega whose meeting with Valenti. Vega smacks the singer, grabs the suitcase and takes off. When the police catches him, the suitcase breaks open and he gets arrested. The next morning at the Express, Cosmo is interviewing Senator Dobbs, when Angel announces Miss LeSage. She's surprised to see Dobbs, but it turns it's really Ace. She tells them that Vega's been arrested. Ace learns that Vega's bail is $150,000,000 Electro dollars. Ace visits Vega in prison and asks him what happened. But Vega remained silent. Ace pays the bail, but is informed that it will take some time for the paperwork to go through. Friedrich tells Ace, that Vega has already been involved in a scandal with Valent

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13 Novembre 1999
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