Pagina dell'episodio'

2x15 - Adventures in Paradise

Mister Flotsam

Poster della serie Adventures in Paradise

Date: 01/27/03: All I can remember about this episode is from when I appeared in it as a child actor of about 14. Very roughly, the story involved my family landing on an island in the Pacific (perhaps shipwrecked?). We were British and somehow ended up being imprisoned by someone. Also in the story with us was a very intelligent chimp (named Mr. Flotsam) who, when the chips were down, helped to free us through the use of a hand grenade or some such element. I regret I don't recall much more and the script I had was lost long ago. The show was filmed on a sound stage and in the backlot of 20th Century Fox's studio in what is now Century City, CA. I remember a set built to serve as the ocean and a beach of a remote island. As a kid, i was in awe of everything, including the chimp. I saw the show in its first run, but never again. I would love to see and or acquire a copy. If anyone can assist me in that, I would be very grateful, since I have very little to remember my childhood acting

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23 Gennaio 1961
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