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2x16 - Queer Eye for the Straight Guy

Second Time Around:Steve P.

Poster della serie Queer Eye for the Straight Guy

Steve has been through a lot.His wife was found unfaithful with his best friend,who in the divorce rigged that she got all the furniture,just as his last chair was taken he got a call,his dad had died! and then he got fired!But he did get 3 great things among this sadness:rights to keep his superb pooch Stella,his awesome 150 yr old house,and Bailey, a fellow divorcee.So,tonight Steve is going to introduce Bailey to his family and friends,to show that he's out of his funk.Carson gets Steve a new suit and some sportswear.Jai,who notes that Steve's house is messy and extremely disordered takes Steve to the Container store were they get office type stuff,Jai later give Steve a new laptop.Kyan likes Steve's medium length mop,so he has it shaped and is given a variety of products.Ted after finding out that Bailey loves chocolate and Steve spicy food finds the perfect dish for them: Mole!(a superfluously done sauce) Ted teaches how to do a chocolate based and a spicy one and to coat a chicke

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2 Novembre 2004
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