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2x18 - Prisoner: Cell Block H

Episode 97

Poster della serie Prisoner: Cell Block H

Chrissie's "assailant" at the hospital is Judy. Chrissie details the drug drop for her. Sharon seeks muscle from Margo's gang, who want drugs in exchange. Thinking the dope is on Chrissie, they attack and search her, but find nothing. Judy leaves the drugs in a can by the fence, and Sharon wants Pat to go and collect it. Pat tells Bea, who asks her to play along; she then tells the screws someone is using drugs to try and take over. Erica refuses to let Bea out of Isolation. Pat collects some of the drugs and leaves the rest, but tells Sharon there was nothing there. Prompted by Bea, the screws find the can. Bea gives the rest to Erica, who finally relents, and Bea strolls back into the Laundry as Sharon is about to get a bashing from Margo, Lil and Bev. Doreen learns that Kevin's mother is coming to meet her. Caroline is advised to plead guilty to manslaughter by her lawyer.

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19 Marzo 1980
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