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2x19 - Riptide

The Twisted Cross

Poster della serie Riptide

rc: Ken Olant (Dooley), Jack Ging (Lt. Quinlan) Walking through Chinatown, Cody, Nick and Murray see a gang of masked men trying to kidnap a teenage boy away from his father, and intervene. The next day, giving their report of the incident at the Police Station, Quinlan tells them that the boy's mother was brought in over suspicion of the attempted kidnap. But outside, admits to the P.I.s that she was behind the attempted kidnapping, explaining that her ex-husband Kyle, who has custody of her son Chad, is teaching him bad ways and preventing her from seeing him. Convinced by her story, the Private Detectives stop by Chad's school, only to find him in a fight with a black pupil, and carrying Nazi literature. Finding that the boy's father runs a local Boys Institute that is peddling the Nazi message to other youngsters too, they send Dooley undercover to see exactly what is taught at the Institute. The leader of a local Neo-Nazi party informs them that Kyle was thrown out for refusi

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12 Marzo 1985
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