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2x19 - Medabots

Future's Past

Poster della serie Medabots

Ikki, Koji and Spyke (Space Medafighter X) find themselves up against Team Egypt in the quarter finals, but when the leader of the team, Patra, warns them that they can't win until they identify their weakest link, Koji is sure that she means Spyke because he has the weakest Medabot. As the three begin training, Spyke tries his hardest but Koji tells him to just stay out of the way and leave him and Ikki to do the robattling. However as the robattle begins and Team Egypt takes an early lead, Patra informs Koji that he is the weakest member of the team. As a stunned Koji tries to take in what his opponent has told him, it's up to Spyke to save the day and stop Team Egypt from winning the robattle. Meanwhile, Ikki and Rintaro learn about the Ten Days of Darkness that occurred during the WRC eight years ago and Ikki is stunned to learn that the competitor who caused the incident (the same Henry who Rintaro is obsessed with) caused the Ten Days while using a Metabee.

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29 Settembre 2002
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