Pagina dell'episodio'

2x2 - The Man from U.N.C.L.E.

The Alexander the Greater Affair (2)

Poster della serie The Man from U.N.C.L.E.

Alexander (Rip Torn) a megalomaniac industrialist, plans to conquer the world like his namesake, Alexander the Great by breaking each of the ten commandments along the way. he has his henchman Parvix (David Sheiner) steal the army's ""will gas"" to help him do so, and Solo investigates. Solo encounters Tracey Alexander (Dorothy Provine), Alexander's ex-wife, who wants to tag along with Solo to get the money Alexander owes her. The trail leads Solo, Illya, and Tracey to a posh party at Alexander's, where Solo defeats him in a human chess game; to a tomb, where Alexander and his aide Dr. Kavon (David Opatoshu) leave Solo tied under a descending scimitar while Illya and Tracey are hanging over a bottomless pit with a candle burning their rope; To Alexander's farm in Virginia, where Illya is nearly cut in two by various farm implements.

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24 Settembre 1965
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