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2x2 - Ballykissangel

River Dance

Poster della serie Ballykissangel

Local school teacher, Brendan, faces losing his job because of falling numbers at the National School in BallyK But parents and fiends discover that Father Mac is responsible for the decision, and so they rally round to save their favourite teacher. Having seen Enda panning for gold in the River Angel, Liam and Donal decide that they can exploit the situation. They create a shrine on the riverbank and tourists pay to hear tales of the Angel's abundant gold. However, Peter is less than impressed with the tacky statue of the Blessed Virgin, with its glowing heart. Niamh's and Ambrose's attempts to conceive are exhausting Ambrose, but the regulars at Fitzgerald's are amused that he is constantly called on to do his duty. Enda sends his son to the BallyK National School, thus making up the number of pupils, and Brendan's job is safe. Niamh finally announces that she is pregnant.

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12 Gennaio 1997
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