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2x2 - Sharpe

Sharpe's Enemy

Poster della serie Sharpe

Portugal 1812 - The Spanish village of Adrados has been overtaken by a horde of French, Spanish and British deserters and they have taken two English women hostage, Sarah Dubreton and Lady Isabella Farthingdale. Captain Sharpe is assigned the task of dellivering the ransom, much to the disgust of Sir Augustus Farthingdale. Sharpe and Harper enter the convent where the women are being held and are confronted by two French officers. Sharpe learns that one of the officers is the husband of Sarah Dubreton and they are on the same mission.To Sharpe's dismay, he learns that Hakeswill is involved and he has increased the ransom price, giving Sharpe five days to come up with the extra money or the women will be raped. Nairn receives information that the French intend to invade Portugal from Adrados and decides to thwart the plan. Sharpe is promoted to major and given command of the 60th Rifles in order to secure the safety of the women and prevent the French from taking the town.

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1 Giugno 1994
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