Pagina dell'episodio'

2x20 - The Twelve Kingdoms

Sea Of The Wind, The Shore Of The Maze - The Final Chapter

Poster della serie The Twelve Kingdoms

The episode opens back in Japan. Sugimoto is talking to Kaname in a library. Later that night his brother, Suguru, sees Sugimoto and confirms with her about the strange things that happen around Kaname. Back to Youka's story, Gyousou is disturbed at the fact that Taiki seems dissapointed in him somehow ever since he became a king. Youka tries to re assure Taiki that Gyousou will be a good king. In Japan, Kaname is being hassled by his art teacher. Back to Youka's story, Taiki is being questioned by Gyousou. He wonders why Taiki disapproves of him. Taiki won't speak of it. As Taiki leaves the room he finds Keiki. Keiki came to congradulate him but Taiki tells him the story of how he did not recieve a revelation when he chose the king. Keiki says its best if he leaves. Taiki begins to cry. The next day Gyousou and Taiki get summoned to see Keiki. He sits in a room with King En and Enki. King En says he must show respect and bow, Taiki tries but for some reason he can't bow. Everyone thin

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8 Ottobre 2002
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