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2x21 - Prisoner: Cell Block H

Episode 100

Poster della serie Prisoner: Cell Block H

Mrs Burns tells Doreen that if she and Kevin marry, she will disown him. Lizzie chases her down the street with a frying pan, but eventually talks Mrs Burns round. Lizzie and Doreen go to celebrate, get wrecked and try to shoplift booze under cover of one of Lizzie's fake turns. However, when Dor walks out of the shop with the booze, the cops show up. The VJ gives Sharon another week in the pound; relations improve between Judy, Chrissie and Bea. Chrissie agrees to stay away from Sharon. When Judy finds out Sharon will be gone another week, she smacks Bea in the face so she can get sent to Solitary to be nearer her. Paul goes to check on Vivienne, but there's no answer, and nobody has seen her for days. Caroline tells him where to find a spare key: he lets himself in and finds her unconscious, having taken an overdose. Paul agrees to let Sally stay a while.

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1 Aprile 1980
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