Pagina dell'episodio'

2x23 - Star Blazers

Desslok's Victory

Poster della serie Star Blazers

Wildstar orders a warp to take the Argo to the Comet Empire. When the Argo reaches the coordinates, however, the Star Force discovers that the Comet Empire is headed to Earth, while they find themselves quickly surrounded by Gamilons, led by Desslok. Wildstar tries to convince Desslok not to attack, but Desslok sends his entire fleet after the Argo, heavily damaging the Argo's landing dock and surrounding the ship. Wildstar points the Argo at Desslok's ship, intending to use the Wave Motion Gun against it. Just as the gun reaches full charge, however, Desslok transports several space mines directly in front of it, preventing the Star Force from using the gun. Wildstar then has the Argo do a small space warp, causing his ship to ram Desslok's. He then leads a boarding party onto Desslok's ship. Meanwhile, Nova is nearly hit by gunfire outside the Argo. Venture rescues Nova but is knocked off the ship and into space, presumably dead. The episode ends with Wildstar, having been injured by falling debris, holding Desslok and his aide at gunpoint.

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17 Marzo 1979
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