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2x238 - The Damage Report with John Iadarola

December 12, 2019

Poster della serie The Damage Report with John Iadarola

The House passes the 2020 defense bill and it's really bad. Cristina Tzintzun Ramirez on why she's running to represent Texas in the Senate and how progressive priorities are taking hold in the red state. Republicans aren't taking Trump's impeachment well at all and threaten to start a second civil war. Joshua Collins LIVE on how he made his opponent the incumbent Democrat drop out of the WA-10 race and the LNG plant that Gov. Jay Inslee isn't helping to stop. Meanwhile in...England, as elections take place, a study shows that 88% of Tory ads are misleading. Meanwhile in...Indonesia, cave art that is 44,000 years old is discovered, the oldest found of its kind. Meanwhile in...Spain, Greta Thunberg blasts world leaders at the COP25 Summit in Madrid. Pete Buttigieg faces tough questions about his low support among young voters and decides it's a perfect opportunity to throw some shade Bernie's way.

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12 Dicembre 2019
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