It's Bullwinkle Vs. Boris as the Big Cheese in a musical contest to win the effections of the metal-mucnhing mice. It looks as if they were returning to Boris, but just threw him into a lake, then Bullwinkle began singing again, and the moonmice returned to him. Unfortunately, Bullwinkle was out of songs, and the moonmice crowd was getting restless. Just then, Boris came posing as Colonel Tomsk wanted to put Bullwinkle in a concert at Collosum Stadium, and all of the moonmice get in for free. Bullwinkle receives in his honor an electric ukelelea, Boris plugs it up to one of the collums in the stadium which was connected to all of the others, so that the first chord Bullwinkle struck would be his last. Natasha points out that the moonmice would be destroyed too, but Boris had complete confidence that more were being made on the moon. On the moon, Mr. Big received news that not another moonmouse could be made due to a shortage of the material. Mr. Big wasn't worried, and left for Earth t