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2x26 - Cranberry Sorbet

Episode 55

Poster della serie Cranberry Sorbet

The fact that Çimen has closed up for Gökhan's sake and got married in a religious marriage drops like a bomb in Kıvılcım's house. Kıvılcım is devastated, and she is also angry that Doğa and Alev know little about this and do not tell her. Mihri's suicide attempt because of her love for Metehan will cause Ertuğrul to make a radical decision. Ömer first warns the businessman who started a lynching campaign against Kıvılcım, but when the man does not understand what he is talking about, he will take a different path. Nilay, who is obsessed with learning about her family history, embarks on rapid research on this subject. Görkem, who persuades her father, will both start seeing Fatih again and create an opportunity for their families to come together. Abdullah, who is looking for a way to reconcile with Alev, cannot get the result he wants, but he still does not give up trying. Alev will be triggered by a completely different situation and will make a big move to get a rematch.

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