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2x27 - Prisoner: Cell Block H

Episode 106

Poster della serie Prisoner: Cell Block H

There's trouble for the Fletchers and Meg when Geoff Butler returns, his trial looming. He tries to force Meg into changing her testimony, and lets himself into the Fletcher house to terrify Leila. Jim and Caroline's relationship hots up, to Michael's disgust, and he tries to pay Jim to stop seeing her. At the trial, Geoff gets off on a bond and is later approached by Michael, who suggests they team up to get back at Jim. Pat finally agrees to appeal her sentence after seeing the recaptured Andrew. Judy confides in Doreen about her past, and as her pains worsen she tells Sharon she's scared because her mother died young of a heart attack. Bea grows closer to Ken, while the drama class ends with Doreen and Sharon brawling. A stray dog is found in the garden, so Doreen and Lizzie try to hide it in the prison. Vera keeps finding it and taking it away. She tells them she's taking it to the RSPCA, but changes her mind and, to Meg's surprise, decides to keep it herself.

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22 Aprile 1980
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