Rocky and Capt. Peachfuzz are flying along the mystery plane bearing Bullwinkle, and his carefully cased hoof with his weather forecasting bunyon. Rocky and Capt. Peachfuzz didn't go unnoticed, the mystery plane drew out a weapon at them, surround their plane in a smoke screen. Capt. Peachfuzz attempting to fly over the smoke screen did the worng thing. Next thing you know, Rocky and Capt. Peachfuzz end up on a piece of floor from the plane floating on the ocean. Capt. Peachfuzz attepmting to swim sank like a rock due to his package of heavy sandwiches, which was in reality a deflated life raft. After blowing it up, Rocky started rowing, unfortunately, he didn't get anywhere because Peachfuzz was busy rowing in the opposite direction. Meanwhile, Bullwinkle was in a Barbaric splendor, with his bunyoned hoof resting on a velvet cushion. When Bullwinkle awoke he admired the room, until a little king and his henchman walked in. The king told Bullwinkle the story about how he used to be a