Pagina dell'episodio'

2x3 - Star Trek: The Animated Series

The Practical Joker

Poster della serie Star Trek: The Animated Series

The Enterprise explores a mysterious cloud in space. After passing through it the ship's computer begins acting in a bizarre fashion. It replicates Kirk's shirts with ""Kirk is a Jerk"" on the back, manufacturers devices that leave a black eye ring on Spock, and shoot cream pies out of the food devices. Things take a turn for the worse when McCoy, Sulu, and Uhura are trapped in thea holodeck where they are beset by dangerous weather phenomena. They are rescued by Scotty when he bypasses the controls, but the Enterprise crew are further endangered when the Romulans attack and the ship's computer overrides manual controls. By feigning fear of the cloud, Kirk tricks the ship's computer into entering the cloud, which reverses the process. As they depart, they pick up transmissions from the pursuing Romulan ship that they are experiencing strange phenomena from their computer...

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21 Settembre 1974
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