Pagina dell'episodio'

2x3 - Riptide

Catch Of The Day

Poster della serie Riptide

An injured young woman appears out of the water to Arnie, a kind-hearted fisherman with learning disabilities, warning him that a ship named the Morning Rose needs help, before she sinks beneath the waves. Cody and Nick have agreed to allow an infamous reporter to come and do an article on the Riptide Detective Agency, much to the annoyance and upset of Murray, whom she has insulted in a previous article. The reporter is just beginning to get her claws into the trio, when a distressed Arnie arrives, telling them of the incident at sea. But when they report the incident to the Coast Guard, they are amazed and bemused to hear that Arnie claims the girl he saw was a mermaid; but believing Arnie's sincerity, the detective trio agree to investigate, much to the humour of the reporter. As they look into the case, they learn that the couple who were sailing on the Morning Rose were involved in some rather shady business, but exactly who or what did Arnie see that he believed to be a mermaid

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23 Ottobre 1984
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