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2x31 - Meteor Garden

MG II Episode 31

Poster della serie Meteor Garden

San Cai arrived in Spain. In the cab, she suddenly reminisced her past when she saw the church where she waited for Dao Ming Si before he met an accident. The next day, she strolled on the streets of Barcelona all by herself. She stood in front of a fountain and thought about the legend of the spring water while thinking of Dao Ming Si. In a bullfight event, San Cai was recording the crowded scenes with her video camera when she was accidentally pushed by the excited crowd. She struggled to get up until a hand wearing a meteor star ring stretches out to her. She held her hand (also wearing her own meteor star ring) onto his palm. Finally, the two rings were reunited together, as the two hands, each wearing one ring, are clasped together tightly. She looked up and she was surprised to see Dao Ming Si. From that moment, Shan Cai and Dao Ming Si were reunited.

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25 Dicembre 2002
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