Boris gets a new idea to exterminate Rocky and Bullwinkle. He builds a ""Do-It-Yourself Rocket Ship"". His plan is that he and Natasha lure Rocky into the rocket, Bullwinkle follows, they lock them in, and blast them off to the moon. Later that night a dinner, Bullwinkle gets a salad, and Rocky gets a soup, but it was loaded with an overdose of knock-out drops. With that Rocky falls asleep and follows Boris to a ""bedroom"" which was the rocketship. When the clock began to strike 12, Boris tried to blast off the rocket, but Bullwinkle was leaning on the brake. After Boris and Natasha were argueing about what Bullwinkle was really doing, he picked up Rocky, and left when the rocket blasted off with Boris and Natasha stilla arguing. At the 12th strike, the Crankcase laywer came with the million pound note. But to everyone's surprise, Bullwinkle's Rue Britannia mark on his foot was gone. He explained that it was there in the first place because the printing came off of his bath mat made by th