Bullwinkle is forbidden to dig for the buried treasure since he busted an oil pipe. He has trouble keeping his mind off the contest, so Rocky suggests that he visit his relatives in Ponca city. Bullwinkle peddles away, past a giant hole that has been roped off. The people behind this hole are Babyface Braunschweiger, and The Lightfingered Five Minus Two. Babyface is really Boris, who is really digging into the bank's main vault. Rocky starts to get lonely, and flies after Bullwinkle. Rocky askes Babyface if he knows which way a moose went. Boris has his gang tie up Rocky, and blindfold him, and leave in the hole with a giant stick of TNT with a short fuse. Rocky is really in trouble now, at the top of the hole, Boris (alias Babyface Braunshwieger) and his gang, the Lightfingered Five Minus Two had roped off the hole to stop anyone from going in. Meanwhile, the chain on Bullwinkle's bike has snapped, and he was now speeding uncontrolably downhill and ends up inside the hole, where he r