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2x39 - Prisoner: Cell Block H

Episode 118

Poster della serie Prisoner: Cell Block H

Prostitute Helen Smart is admitted to Wentworth and turns out to be an old friend of Kerry's. She recognizes Jock and says he's got a bad reputation. Kerry is released but she struggles to cope without David around. Judy is refused permission to go to Sharon's funeral. Jock is still bullying Doreen; Kevin discovers the men intent on buying Alice's house intend to knock it down. Doreen finally agrees to the sale. Kevin turns up at the prison, but isn't allowed to see Doreen as she's still in Solitary, so he sees Bea. Helen, on tray duty, offers to be a go-between and pass messages to her. Helen is released and passes on Doreen's message to Kevin that she had to sell or ""he would have killed me"". Doreen tells Judy that Bea didn't kill Sharon, but refuses to say who did. However, Jude pieces it together and confronts Jock. Vera is also beginning to have her suspicions.

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3 Giugno 1980
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