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2x39 - Bear in the Big Blue House

When You've Got To Go...

Poster della serie Bear in the Big Blue House

Bear and Tutter are trying to have a fun game of checkers, while Ojo and Treelo are having their own fun playing. For some reason, though, everyone seems to be talking about the toilet and the bathroom. It all starts when Tutter needs to use the toilet during his game of checkers with Bear, but doesn't want to leave the checkers game. Bear assures him it will still be waiting for him. Tutter uses the bathroom and then washes his hands, stating that his Grandma Flutter taught him to. Later, Ojo has an accident and is very embarrassed, but Bear lets her know it's okay --- accidents can happen to anyone. When Pip and Pop hear about the day's events, they invite everyone to join their secret club --- The Mystic Order of the Toileteers. It's for everyone who uses, or is going to use the potty. In the Shadow segment, Shadow introduces a song with some new twists on the phrases "party party" and "potty training."

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28 Febbraio 1999
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