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2x4 - Treasure!

The Ancient Gold of Troy

Poster della serie Treasure!

Known to the world through the works of the poet Homer, the ancient city of Troy has captivated man for millennia. And when the archeologist Heinrich Schliemann uncovered its ruins in the 1870s, among the artifacts unearthed were stunning works crafted from gold. The Ancient Gold of Troy uses archival pictures and interviews with scholars and experts to tell the incredible story of these priceless treasures. After they were finally released from the Turkish earth, they were lost again in the aftermath of World War II. But a chance discovery in the secret vault of a Russian museum brought them to light once again. Immediately, they were claimed by many different nations igniting a firestorm of controversy that may take decades to resolve. Exquisite footage of these twice-lost treasures highlights their stunning beauty and craftsmanship and evokes the glory of one of the world's most storied civilizations.

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5 Dicembre 1998
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