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2x4 - The Littl' Bits

The Legend Of Red Light

Poster della serie The Littl' Bits

After hearing one of Elderbit's stories about the time that he and a group of miners were in a cave and how they were nearly harmed by a red light that Elderbit claimed was a demon light; Willibit, Lillibit, and Snagglebit decide to go into the cave to search for this light as well. However disaster strikes. There is a cave-in and Snagglebit is hurt. Willibit and Lillibit wonder how they are going to get out of the cave because no one knows they are there to help them and Snagglebit out. Finally they see a light. The three bits follow the light out of the cave. Later while Dr. Snoozabit tends Snagglebit at his office with Helpabit anxiously watching, Elderbit tells Lillibit and Willibit that the demon light is responsible for Snagglebit getting hurt, and that they are to atay away from that cave. After fixing up Snagglebit Dr. Snoozabit decides to let the boy rest while he and Elderbit go off to take a nap. Helpabit watches over Snagglebit. Lillibit and Willibit then tell Helpabi

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21 Agosto 1991
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