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2x4 - Queer Eye for the Straight Guy

Straight Outta Brooklyn:Philly R.

Poster della serie Queer Eye for the Straight Guy

Philly is man who knows what he likes:his car,Britney Spears,and beer.The event:a dinner with friends and co workers then taking his Ex back to his apartment.Problems:He trashed his knee and hasn't done a lot of exercise since,his apartment looks like a teenager's,dresses like a messy hip hopper and has a odd beard.Carson keeps some of Philly's old things to give him a high class hip hop look which includes a tie with...Britney on it.Jai who usually takes the guys to yoga or dancing lessons,and gives brief romantic advice.This week has to go to a paint shop.He lets Philly pick out a bunch of doodads and that's it for culture. Kyan takes Philly to a gym where they do a light swim,Philly is given a beard trimmer and is told to keep the 5 o clock shadow.Ted takes Philly to the restaurant early to figure what Philly should order ahead of time so it'll seem that he's in charge,Philly is also given new sets of kitchen stuff.Finally Thom,with Kyan's help go to yet another modern furnitur

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22 Giugno 2004
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