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2x4 - The Amazing Race

This Game Is About Minutes

Poster della serie The Amazing Race

The teams travel to Namibia where they climb sand dunes and slide down them as a task. Shola and Doyin face problems of driving standard in the desert and eventually get stuck. Wil and Tara accuse Gary and Dave of speeding and even call them cheaters and Gary tells them that ""[They're] going down!"". A feud on the horizon? Oswald and Danny maintain their position in first place as they capture a rather easy fast forward which sends them directly to the pit stop. Shola and Doyin can not overcome their problems in the desert and end up skipping most of their tasks and just head directly to the pit stop where they are eliminated. Blake and Paige spark controversy with Mary and Peach as in a race to the finish, the brother and sister team cut across the trees to finish minutes before the two sisters.

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27 Marzo 2002
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