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2x42 - Prisoner: Cell Block H

Episode 121

Poster della serie Prisoner: Cell Block H

Erica tries to talk the prisoners out of the Rec Room, and tells them Jock is finished in the prison service. Vera cuts the power, and they spend an uncomfortable night in the dark. Next morning, they give up the protest. Noeline comes to visit Leanne and she asks her to pass on a message to the press that they're staging a demo in the garden. Predictably, Noeline can't be trusted and tells Vera. The women are confined to the building as a result. Another scheme has to be thought up, and this time it's violent. Judy, Margo and Lizzie take Erica and Meg hostage in the Governor's office with a garden fork. The other women ambush Vera in the Laundry, strip her and tie her up. When Jim finds her, the women are gone, and heading for the roof with her keys. Margo and Lizzie are left in charge of Meg and Erica, but Lizzie gets drunk on Erica's booze.

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11 Giugno 1980
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