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2x44 - Science Ninja Team Gatchaman

Fight! The Evil Base on Mars

Poster della serie Science Ninja Team Gatchaman

Unusual weather conditions are occurring because of natural disasters on the sun. Dr. Nambu suspects that this is a test of Galactor's solarshifter plan. In fact, its only the first test stage of that plan. The solarshifter plan is a terrible operation which looks to use the solarshifter bases on the Mars, Venus and Earth to move the sun. When the main beam cannon on Venus and Earth are completed, it will become horrible. The Science Ninja Team moves out to attack from two sides, on Earth and on Mars. Ken goes in the Orbiter G towards Mars, while the other team members investigate the Brajila zone. But the mission on Earth ends in failure. The fate of the Earth remains on the shoulders of Eagle Ken. When Ken arrives on Mars, Marstora starts a counterattack. During the fight, Ken discovers the enemy base and attacks it with a missile, to no avail though. Is there another possibility to strike?! Suddenly Ken has an idea and separates a part of the Orbiter G and launches it at the base.

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29 Luglio 1979
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