Rocky and Bullwinkle arrive in Hollywood, where Bullwinkle is the target of a talent scout named D.W. Grifter, who is really Boris in disguise. D.W. sends Bullwinkle to acting school where he is given the stage name: Crag Antler. Bullwinkle, er, Crag takes coarses in elementary sloutching, advanced sloutching, t-shirt tearing sessions, and how to grow temporary beards. Boris was making $20.00 an hour, but Rocky was suspicious about anyone wanting Bullwinkle for a movie, until Boris comes in disguised as the famous movie director, Alfred Hitchhike. Boris puts Bullwinkle in a movie called ""The Last Angry Moose"". Once the movie premieres, Bullwinkle's money mattress is stolen by Boris. Even though Bullwinkle was paying them the money, Boris hated Bullwinkle's acting. People thought the movie was hilarious, even though it's a tragedy. Afterwards, Crag Antler disappears. Rocky and Bullwinkle return to Frostbite Falls, where Bullwinkle has a new mattress full of new money. Bullwinkle decides